Sunday, May 31, 2009


I know it's been a while since I've posted....I'm going to start catching up by posting some pictures of Wicked. We went to see Wicked in March. My brother Jevonn, his wife, Heather, and their four girls (Madison, Mandy, Jessica, and Bailey) all came from Spokane to see it too. They came a day early, which was great, it gave the girls lots of bonding time. They really loved spending time with their cousins--Isaac was a little outnumbered, but I don't think he minded (especially if Madison gave him some attention). Mom and Dad came the day of the show and we all headed to Portland. I went having never heard the music....I LOVED IT!! It was so entertaining--I would love to see it again! We also went with a bunch of friends from the ward, even some who have moved away, and Shane's family too. Can't wait for next time!


kristenhcubed said...

Oh, you do remember you have a blog! :P
Now I'm going to have to get out my Wicked CD today. You've put me in the mood. That was fun. I wish we could go again tonight!

Tiffany's Treats and Eats said...

I've heard this is really great! I am looking forward to seeing it sometime. Glad you enjoyed it!

The Hammond Holler! said...

way to go Kim! Old news is better then "no" news!? Im sad I missed out on this one but Im excited to go next time!